March 8, 2021

The Rule of 72, Compound Interest, A Cool App, and Taxpayer-Subsidized Rectal Heroin

The Rule of 72, Compound Interest, A Cool App, and Taxpayer-Subsidized Rectal Heroin

Most people are familiar with the concept of compounding interest. But if it really is the eighth wonder of the world, maybe it's worth a quick review. And everyone should know the "rule of 72," so we'll cover that today as well. And whether you're an avid investor, if you're totally unprepared for retirement, or somewhere in between, taxes affect you. So for fun we're going to talk about one way the city of Seattle is throwing away taxpayer dollars. (Hint: it involves heroin administered in a very unexpected place)

Now, could I ask you a GIANT favor? This podcast is new, and it'd really be a huge help if you'd subscribe. I'll love you forever!

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And finally, if you have any questions about retirement planning or investing, send me an email at and I'll answer it on air in a future episode.