Feb. 27, 2022

Why I Don't Trust Financial Advisors (Or At Least Some Of Them)

Why I Don't Trust Financial Advisors (Or At Least Some Of Them)

Okay my friends, in today's podcast I'm probably gonna come off like a complete a-hole, but I can't help myself. I recently heard a podcast, hosted by a financial advisor, that had some really bad (in my opinion) information in it. Like, REALLY bad.

But to prove that I'm not a total jerk, I wanted to promote three REALLY GOOD retirement planning podcasts that are hosted by financial advisors that I really like and trust:

1) Finishing Well with Hans Sheil


2) Retirement Revealed with Jeremy Keil


3) The Retirement Answer Man with Roger Whitney


Okay, after showing my nice side I get to dressing down this other podcast I listened to that was filled with (in my opinion) terrible information.

One thing I do talk about is the great Fidelity report called "Bitcoin First." Here's a link to where you can view or download it:


So as I mention in this episode, I'm really not doing this to be a jerk. It's not my style to hammer on some other dude's retirement podcast. And this will probably never happen again. I just wanted to point out that you need to VERIFY information. You need to do your own research. And most important, just because someone has a three-letter acronym after their name DOESN'T mean they know what they're talking about. And in defense of this kid, he's barely 30 years old, if that, so we can all give him a break for being young.

Again, do your own research and take control of your finances.

Remember, go to rogueretirementlounge.com/crypto to sign up for your own Blockfi account. You'll get up to a $250 crypto bonus and you'll be on the best exchange out there. AND you'll be able to earn interest on your crypto. And, you'll be supporting this show, as I'm a Blockfi affiliate!

If you have a question you’d like me to answer on the podcast, email me at matt@rogueretirementlounge.com

Check out more episodes at my retirement planning podcast website: www.rogueretirementlounge.com

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